Have you got everything prepared so you don’t end up leaving it to the last minute?

For individuals, you only have a limited amount of time to lodge your tax return. October 31st is the last day you can lodge before you start receiving penalties from the ATO.

But no need to panic just yet. If you lodge your tax return through a tax agent, you get an extra 6 months to lodge. So, instead of having to lodge it by 31 October 2019, you have up until 15 May 2020 to have it completed. Plus, as a bonus, going to see a tax agent to have your return completed is tax deductable on next years tax return.

If you haven’t gone to a tax agent before, you will need to register your details before the deadline of 31 October 2019 to receive the extra 6-month extension.

This also depends on how much you are earning at the time. If you do lodge through a tax agent and you had tax payable of $20,000 or more in the year before, the deadline moves up to the 31 March 2020.

So, make sure to call us on (07) 3806 4484 to book a time or go here to book online!

Categories: Tax