COVID-19 Resources

A further $130 billion subsidy was announced as part of COVID-19 Stimulus Relief Package.

Government Stimulus Package

Accessing your super

Sole Traders


Cashflow Booster

Useful articles for your business

Banks offering relief packages

The social and economic impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are becoming more apparent as the situation evolves daily, if not hourly.

To support customers through this time of uncertainty, Australian banks are stepping up with more clearly defined financial relief strategies.

QLD Government interest-free loans

The Queensland Government has announced a new $500 million loan facility, interest-free for the first 12 months, to support businesses, including those operating early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, to keep Queenslanders in work.

Tips for working from home

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, many academics are of course dealing with greater concerns, such as the health of family, friends, or themselves.

But for those free of illness and related burdens, and stuck at home, what do you do with your time? Here are some ideas for scientists who suddenly find themselves working from home.

Power of Attorney and Wiils

As mentioned in my Jacq Chat, we have partnered with Steindl Bradley & Associates to assist you in getting your POA and Wills updated or in place.

To organise your POA or Will, visit their website for more information

Equity Strategy: Peak uncertainty will subside

We offer context and a re-iteration of our Strategy for equity investors during unprecedented volatility. The trajectory toward a return to normality in people’s daily lives, the economy and in markets will depend on the timing of the management of the virus.

At this stage management is about containing the spread. This is A major unknown, with well publicised implications.

Important links regarding Interest-free business loans

Applications are now open for the Queensland Government’s $500 million COVID-19 Jobs Support Loan scheme. This scheme is for Queensland businesses and non-profit organisations financially affected by COVID-19 to retain employees and maintain their operations.

Information for Employers for their Employees

COVD-19: What are your Employee's Rights to Leave and Pay?

With everything going on, it’s normal to feel unsure about what your obligations are as an employer. This is especially applicable to handing employees’ rights to leave and pay in these unsettling times.

Employment Innovations bring you this handy guide relating to your employees’ rights to leave and pay. 

COVID-19 information for employers

With everything going on, it’s normal to feel unsure about what your obligations are as an employer. This is especially applicable to handing employees’ rights to leave and pay in these unsettling times.

Employment Innovations bring you this handy guide relating to your employees’ rights to leave and pay. 

COVID-19 & Tax Planning Forms

Jobkeeper Management