Looking for more information on Hannans Accounting Packages? Well you have come to the right place.

To assist with your queries, we have listed some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide you with more information.

What are the benefits of a fixed-fee accounting package?

  • Improve cashflow by spreading your accounting fees over the year
  • Assurance of fixed cost pricing – all inclusive (No hidden surprises!)
  • Access to our finance specialists for advice and support per your selected package (No more clock watching!)

If I am switching from a fee-for-service model to an accounting package, will I pay more?
The answer is … “it depends”. For most clients, we have taken your average annual cost and simply broken it down over 12 monthly payments. For others, we have inbuilt a buffer to allow for anticipated queries, tax planning, and general support. Because of this, you may be paying slightly more or less than what you have previously paid. However, to ensure that no client is disadvantaged, we are now offering additional services to all our clients on an accounting package. These services include:

  • Invitation to our monthly educational webinars and/or workshops
  • Complimentary Business Plan
  • Quarterly management reports designed for every-day people (not accountants)
  • Key performance indicator (KPI) tracking – so we can measure what’s important to you
  • For some clients, access to our Silver Bullet Budgeting service

What if I don’t want to go onto an accounting package?
To reduce our administration and be able to spend more time on adding value to our clients, we have decided to throw out the stop watches and time sheets. This means that, if a client chooses not to be on an accounting package, we will look to charge an upfront fee before commencement of your work. This also means that, ongoing support will be billed on a fee-for-service basis. This is not ideal for us (and you) as we don’t want to be clock watching when we spend time with our clients. By systemising & standardizing our processes, we can build efficiency in our business and therefore keep our overall prices down. This is more in line with our corporate vision statement to help “everyday people”. Click here for more information on our Vision Statement.

How do we pay for our ongoing accounting package and are there associated bank fees?
We will setup either a weekly or monthly direct debit using EziDebit. With this service, we wear the setup and ongoing fees. The only fee you will pay is if you use a credit card. These fees are set by EziDebit and may change. When you are interested in starting an accounting package, we will send out the necessary paperwork for you to review before signing up.

Is there a minimum subscription period and what if I want to cancel my accounting package?
We ask our clients to sign up for a minimum of 12 months. The reason for this is that we incur a lot of initial setup costs and may even prepare your end of year tax return immediately after you sign up. A minimum 12 month period allows us to recover our costs, which ultimately allows us to keep our doors open. If you choose to cancel your services at any time after the 12 month period, a refund will be issued for services not yet performed. Likewise, an invoice may be raised for any services not yet paid for.

If you are in financial hardship or are required to close the business, you will not be stuck paying the accounting package! We are a business, but ultimately we are here to help people. If this happens to you, simply contact our team and we will be able to make arrangements.

What is included in the accounting package?

Please see our Hannans Pricing Guide for details on our packages and the included services. If you can’t find a plan that suits your personal circumstances… don’t worry! We have our “Flexi” plans that are custom made to suit you.

What about services not included in the accounting package?
Any accounting services performed outside the accounting package will be charged at an hourly rate per our fees schedule OR we may look to move you to another plan. For more information on our other services, please visit the relevant page or follow the links below.
Financial Planning / Mortgage Broking / Fast-track Cashflow Management Program (for businesses)

If we have not been able to answer any of your queries, please contact our friendly team who are more than happy to answer your questions.